EBOLA- INFO Urgente à diffuser-Un anti-HIV (Lamivudine)  en traitement précoce, permet la guérison des patients infectés par le virus Ebola

Une incroyable découverte due au hasard: le 3TC(Lamivudine) guérit l’Ebola ; le Dr LOGAN Gobee  (un des 2 médecins au Liberia, pour 85 000 patients), en désespoir de cause, se disant que l’Ebola est un mini-Sida, essaie de son propre chef de traiter ses malades, en particulier un des soignants; il échoue une première fois avec un anti-herpès, mais il essaie une 2ème FOIS AVEC CE QUI LUI TOMBE SOUS LA MAIN : Le 3TC;

Surprise, tous ses malades guérissent (13/13)

2 malades qui prennent le 3TC après le 5ème jour meurent

mais tous ceux qui le prennent avant le 5ème jour sont VIVANTS;

Anthony FAUCI (NIH) est très intéressé.

TRAN MKG a trouvé(non publié) une homologie sur YMDD (Tyr Met Asp Asp), entre HIV-1 et Ebola polymérase , (ainsi d’ailleurs que l’hépatite B polymérase) qui explique pourquoi le 3TC guérit l’Ebola.

Voici les informations diffusées avec trop peu d’échos dans les medias, alors qu’il s’agit de la seule voie thérapeutique accessible aujourd’hui pour stopper l’épidémie pour quelques euros par patient!

EPIDEMIE – Un médecin du Libéria a testé avec succès le lamivudine sur les malades d’Ebola…

Soigner le virus Ebola avec un traitement contre le VIH. L’idée pourrait sembler loufoque,
mais elle a fait ses preuves selon CNN qui a consacré un reportage au docteur Gobee Logan.
Ce médecin du Liberia soigne depuis plusieurs semaines 15 malades de la fièvre hémorragique Ebola avec de la lamivudine, avec des résultats probants.
Cette molécule agit d’habitude sur le virus de l’immunodéficience humaine (VIH).
Tous les malades d’Ebola, sauf deux, ont pour l’instant survécu, ce qui porte à 13% le taux de mortalité (contre 60% en Afrique de l’Ouest).

Les patients avaient été traités dans les cinq jours qui ont suivi l’apparition des premiers symptômes, sauf les deux décédés, traités entre le cinquième et le huitième jour. « Mon estomac me faisait mal, je me sentais faible, je vomissais», témoigne Elizabeth Kundu, 23 ans, l’une des survivantes. «Ils m’ont donné des médicaments et je me sens mieux. Nous pouvons maintenant manger et nous sentir bien dans notre corps.»

Un test dans l’urgence

« Je suis sûr que quand les patients sont traités dès le début, ce médicament peut les aider », affirme Logan. Exerçant dans la région de Tubmanburg dans le nord ouest du Liberia, il aurait testé cette pratique en désespoir de cause, face à l’afflux de malades dans son centre. L’expérience n’est pas scientifique puisqu’aucun protocole de test n’a été respecté (placébo, essai en double aveugle).
Mais dans l’urgence, la lavimudine aurait une action efficace dans la mesure où cette molécule n’est pas éloignée de celles en expérimentation pour Ebola,
comme le nucléoside.

Par ailleurs, le médecin est conscient des effets secondaires occasionnés par le traitement. La lamivudine peut notamment endommager le foie. Mais la vie des patients en dépend…
Résultats de recherche

Liberian Doctor Cures Ebola With HIV Drug Lamivudine [Video …
newsrescue.com/…cures-ebola-hiv-drug-lamivudine-video   En cache
While the world waits for a proven Ebola drug, he’s experimenting with an HIV drug called lamivudine. “In order for everyone in this unit not to die, I think I …

Ebola Lamivudine Résultats dans l’actualité
Ebola : Un traitement contre le sida pour sauver les patients?
20minutes.fr via Yahoo! France Actualités 10 heures
Ebola: un médecin a testé avec succès un médicament contre le Sida
Slate 9/28/14, 12:34 PM

Apparent success against Ebola with HIV drug in Liberia – CNN.com
www.cnn.com/2014/09/27/health/ebola-hiv-drug/index.html   En cache
A doctor in rural Liberia inundated with Ebola patients says he’s had good results with a treatment he tried out of sheer desperation: an HIV drug.

Ebola Lamivudine – Images
Liberian Doctor Cures Ebola With HIV Drug Lamivudine [Video …

Ebola : la lamivudine, utilisée à titre compassionnel (et peut-être …

Dr Gobee Logan reports success in treating Ebola with lamivudine

Doctor ‘Successfully’ Treats Ebola with HIV Drug in Liberia |Nigeria …

ALiberiandoctor has devised an unusual means of treatingEbolapatients …

Doctor treats Ebola with HIV drug in Liberia — seemingly successfully …

… means of treating Ebola patients and he has achieved partial success
Plus d’images pour Ebola Lamivudine.

Ebola Breakthrough?
www.dailykos.com/story/2014/09/27/1332809/-Ebola…   En cache
Dr. Gobee Logan, a doctor in rural Liberia, has given an HIV drug, lamivudine, to 15 Ebola patients. 13 survived. Continue past the mating paramecium for more:

JIM.fr – Ebola : la lamivudine, utilisée à titre …
www.jim.fr/medecin/actualites/pro_societe/e-docs/ebola…   En cache
Paris, le lundi 29 septembre 2014 – Il est difficile de mesurer le sentiment de dépassement éprouvé par les équipes médicales qui font face à l’épidémie d …

Doctor treats Ebola with HIV drug in Liberia | Health – KTUU …
www.ktuu.com/news/health/doctor-treats-ebola-with-hiv…   En cache
Dr. Gobee Logan has given the drug, lamivudine, to 15 Ebola patients, and all but two survived. That’s a 7% mortality rate. Across West Africa, the virus has killed …

Ebola outbreak: Liberia doctor treating patients with HIV …
www.independent.co.uk  › News  › World  › Americas
A desperate doctor in rural Liberia who resorted to treating his Ebola patients with a HIV drug claims the mortality rate at his clinic has dropped to just seven per …

Ebola traité avec un médicament anti-sida
www.lefigaro.fr  › Flash Actu
Un médecin au Libéria a tenté de traiter des patients atteints de la fièvre Ebola avec un médicament anti-sida, et les résultats seraient encourageants.

Doctor treats Ebola with HIV drug in Liberia | Health – Home
www.clickondetroit.com/…/doctor-treats-ebola…/28279604   En cache
A doctor in rural Liberia inundated with Ebola patients says he’s had good results with a treatment he tried out of sheer desperation: an HIV drug. Dr. Gobee Logan …

Doctor treats Ebola with HIV drug in Liberia | Health – Home
www.kvia.com  › News  › Health
A doctor in rural Liberia inundated with Ebola patients says he’s had good results … Gobee Logan has given the drug, lamivudine, to 15 Ebola patients, and all but …

Ebola Crisis: Liberia Doctor Treats Patients With HIV Drugs …
uk.news.yahoo.com/ebola-crisis-liberia-doctor…   En cache
‘Ebola Crisis: Liberia Doctor Treats Patients With HIV Drugs … Dr Gobee Logan gave the drug lamivudine to 15 Ebola patients in a clinic in Tubmanburg, …

Dr. Gorbee Logan tried using lamivudine against Ebola out of sheer desperation
Only two out of 15 patients taking it died — far lower than the average death rate
Logan read about the medication and similarities between Ebola and HIV in a medical journal

(CNN) — A doctor in rural Liberia inundated with Ebola patients says he’s had good results with a treatment he tried out of sheer desperation: an HIV drug.
Dr. Gorbee Logan has given the drug, lamivudine, to 15 Ebola patients, and all but two survived. That’s about a 13% mortality rate.
Across West Africa, the virus has killed 70% of its victims.
Outside Logan’s Ebola center in Tubmanburg, four of his recovering patients walk the grounds,
always staying inside the fence that separates the Ebola patients from everyone else.
« My stomach was hurting; I was feeling weak; I was vomiting, » Elizabeth Kundu, 23, says of her bout with the virus.
« They gave me medicine, and I’m feeling fine. We take it, and we can eat — we’re feeling fine in our bodies. »
Kundu and the other 12 patients who took the lamivudine and survived, received the drug in the first five days or so of their illness.
The two patients who died received it between days five and eight.
« I’m sure that when [patients] present early, this medicine can help, » Logan said. « I’ve proven it right in my center. »

Two doctors for 85,000 people

Logan is mindful that lamivudine can cause liver and other problems, but he says it’s worth the risk since Ebola is so deadly.
He also knows American researchers will say only a real study can prove effectiveness.
That would involve taking a much larger patient population and giving half of them lamivudine and the other half a placebo.
« Our people are dying and you’re taking about studies? » he said. « It’s a matter of doing all that I can do as a doctor to save some people’s lives. »
FDA warns companies about fake Ebola drugs
Logan said he got the idea to try lamivudine when he read in scientific journals that HIV and Ebola replicate inside the body in much the same way.
« Ebola is a brainchild of HIV, » he said. « It’s a destructive strain of HIV. »
At first he tried a drug called acyclovir, which is often given to HIV patients to treat infections that occur with their weakened immune systems.
But it didn’t seem to be effective.
Then he tried lamivudine on a health care worker who’d become ill,
and within a day or two he showed signs of improvement and survived.
One woman walked in, and the Ebola nightmare began
Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases says that theoretically, Logan’s approach has some merit.
Lamivudine is a nucleocide analog, and other drugs in this class are being studied to treat Ebola.
Fauci asked CNN to give Logan his email address, saying perhaps his lab could do some follow up work.
Logan says he plans to email Fauci this weekend.

CNN’s John Bonifield, Orlando Ruiz, and Orlind Cooper contributed to this story.

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Sat Sep 27, 2014 at 10:59 AM PDT.

Ebola Breakthrough?

by wilderness voiceFollow .
67 Comments / 67 New

Dr. Gobee Logan, a doctor in rural Liberia, has given an HIV drug, lamivudine, to 15 Ebola patients. 13 survived.  Continue past the mating paramecium for more:


« My stomach was hurting; I was feeling weak; I was vomiting, » Elizabeth Kundu, 23, says of her bout with the virus. « They gave me medicine, and I’m feeling fine. We take it, and we can eat — we’re feeling fine in our bodies. » Kundu and the other 12 patients who took the lamivudine and survived, received the drug in the first five days or so of their illness. The two patients who died received it between days five and eight.

[Dr. Logan] also knows American researchers will say only a real study can prove effectiveness. … »Our people are dying and you’re taking about studies? » he said. « It’s a matter of doing all that I can do as a doctor to save some people’s lives. »

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases says that theoretically, Logan’s approach has some merit…. other drugs in this class are being studied to treat Ebola
Lamivudine is a nucleoside analog:
These agents can be used against hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, herpes simplex, and HIV. Once they are phosphorylated, they work as antimetabolites by being similar enough to nucleotides to be incorporated into growing DNA strands; but they act as chain terminators and stop viral DNA Polymerase. They are not specific to viral DNA and also affect mitochondrial DNA. Because of this they have side effects such as bone marrow suppression.
Ebola virus uses RNA only and does not create any DNA.  However, RNA requires nucleotides for its assembly just as does DNA, so it stands to reason it could work for Ebola as well as HIV. In any case, it seems to be working, since the chance of this large a proportion of patients surviving otherwise, without treatment, would be quite unlikely.
Originally posted to wilderness voice on Sat Sep 27, 2014 at 10:59 AM PDT.

Also republished by Good News.

Tags Ebola HIV Lamivudine nucleoside Recommended

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Police block a road outside Kenema to stop motorists for a body temperature check on Wednesday, July 9.
Volunteers working with the bodies of Ebola victims in Kenema, Sierra Leone, sterilize their uniforms on Sunday, August 24.

Marie Nyan, whose mother died of Ebola, carries her 2-year-old son, Nathaniel Edward, to an ambulance after showing signs of the virus in the Liberian village of Freeman Reserve on Tuesday, September 30. Health officials say the Ebola outbreak in West Africa is the deadliest ever. More than 3,000 people have died, according to the World Health Organization.

A health official uses a thermometer Monday, September 29, to screen a Ukrainian crew member on the deck of a cargo ship at the Apapa port in Lagos, Nigeria.
Children pray during Sunday service at the Bridgeway Baptist Church in Monrovia, Liberia, on Sunday, September 28.

Residents of the St. Paul Bridge neighborhood in Monrovia take a man suspected of having Ebola to a clinic on September 28.

Workers move a building into place as part of a new Ebola treatment center in Monrovia on September 28.
Medical staff members at the Doctors Without Borders facility in Monrovia burn clothes belonging to Ebola patients on Saturday, September 27.
A police officer patrols a road in Monrovia on September 27 after a body was found in the center of the city.

Tents are set up as health control centers at an air base near the Senegalese capital of Dakar on September 27. After closing its borders on August 21, Senegal opened an air corridor to allow humanitarian aid to be delivered to the three areas most affected by the Ebola virus.

A health worker in Freetown, Sierra Leone, sprays disinfectant around the area where a man sits before loading him into an ambulance on Wednesday, September 24.

People wait outside a new Ebola treatment center in Monrovia on Tuesday, September 23.

Health workers in protective suits work outside an Ebola treatment center in Monrovia on September 23.

Medics load an Ebola patient onto a plane at Sierra Leone’s Freetown-Lungi International Airport on Monday, September 22.

A team that handles the management of dead bodies prays with Saymon Kamara, far right, on September 22 in Monrovia. Kamara’s mother died from complications of high blood pressure.

A few people are seen in Freetown during a three-day nationwide lockdown on Sunday, September 21. In an attempt to curb the spread of the Ebola virus, people in Sierra Leone were told to stay in their homes.

A baby pig sleeps in front of an ambulance at the Connaught Hospital in Freetown on September 21.

Supplies wait to be loaded onto an aircraft at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport on Saturday, September 20. It was the largest single shipment of aid to the Ebola zone to date, and it was coordinated by the Clinton Global Initiative and other U.S. aid organizations.

A volunteer health worker in Freetown talks with residents on how to prevent Ebola infection and identify symptoms of the virus on September 20. Bars of soap were also distributed.

Police in Freetown guard a roadblock Friday, September 19, as the country began enforcing its three-day nationwide lockdown.

A student of the Sainte Therese school in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, looks at placards Monday, September 15, that were put up to raise awareness about the symptoms of the Ebola virus.

Members of a volunteer medical team wear protective gear before the burying of an Ebola victim Saturday, September 13, in Conakry, Guinea.

A child stops on a Monrovia street Friday, September 12, to look at a man who is suspected of suffering from Ebola.

Health workers on Wednesday, September 10, carry the body of a woman who they suspect died from the Ebola virus in Monrovia.

A woman in Monrovia carries the belongings of her husband, who died after he was infected by the Ebola virus.

Five ambulances that were donated by the United States to help combat the Ebola virus are lined up in Freetown on September 10 following a ceremony that was attended by Sierra Leone President Ernest Bai Koroma.

A health worker wears protective gear Sunday, September 7, at ELWA Hospital in Monrovia.

An ambulance transporting Dr. Rick Sacra, an American missionary who was infected with Ebola in Liberia, arrives at the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska, on Friday, September 5. Sacra was being treated in the hospital’s special isolation unit.

Medical workers from the Liberian Red Cross carry the body of an Ebola victim Thursday, September 4, in Banjol, Liberia.

Health workers in Monrovia place a corpse into a body bag on September 4.

A rally against the Ebola virus is held in Abidjan on September 4.

After an Ebola case was confirmed in Senegal, people load cars with household items as they prepare to cross into Guinea from the border town of Diaobe, Senegal, on Wednesday, September 3.

Crowds cheer and celebrate in the streets Saturday, August 30, after Liberian authorities reopened the West Point slum in Monrovia. The military had been enforcing a quarantine on West Point, fearing a spread of the Ebola virus.

A health worker wearing a protective suit conducts an Ebola prevention drill at the port in Monrovia on Friday, August 29.

Senegalese Health Minister Awa Marie Coll-Seck gives a news conference August 29 to confirm the first case of Ebola in Senegal. She announced that a young Guinean had tested positive for the deadly virus.

A Liberian health worker checks people for symptoms of Ebola at a checkpoint near the international airport in Dolo Town, Liberia, on August 24.

A guard stands at a checkpoint Saturday, August 23, between the quarantined cities of Kenema and Kailahun in Sierra Leone.

A burial team from the Liberian Ministry of Health unloads bodies of Ebola victims onto a funeral pyre at a crematorium in Marshall, Liberia, on Friday, August 22.
A humanitarian group worker, right, throws water in a small bag to West Point residents behind the fence of a holding area on August 22. Residents of the quarantined Monrovia slum were waiting for a second consignment of food from the Liberian government.

Dr. Kent Brantly leaves Emory University Hospital on Thursday, August 21, after being declared no longer infectious from the Ebola virus. Brantly was one of two American missionaries brought to Emory for treatment of the deadly virus.

Brantly, right, hugs a member of the Emory University Hospital staff after being released from treatment in Atlanta.

Family members of West Point district commissioner Miata Flowers flee the slum in Monrovia while being escorted by the Ebola Task Force on Wednesday, August 20.

An Ebola Task Force soldier beats a local resident while enforcing a quarantine on the West Point slum on August 20.

Local residents gather around a very sick Saah Exco, 10, in a back alley of the West Point slum on Tuesday, August 19. The boy was one of the patients that was pulled out of a holding center for suspected Ebola patients after the facility was overrun and closed by a mob on August 16. A local clinic then refused to treat Saah, according to residents, because of the danger of infection. Although he was never tested for Ebola, Saah’s mother and brother died in the holding center.

A burial team wearing protective clothing retrieves the body of a 60-year-old Ebola victim from his home near Monrovia on Sunday, August 17.

lija Siafa, 6, stands in the rain with his 10-year-old sister, Josephine, while waiting outside Doctors Without Borders’ Ebola treatment center in Monrovia on August 17. The newly built facility will initially have 120 beds, making it the largest-ever facility for Ebola treatment and isolation.

Brett Adamson, a staff member from Doctors Without Borders, hands out water to sick Liberians hoping to enter the new Ebola treatment center on August 17.

Workers prepare the new Ebola treatment center on August 17.

A body, reportedly a victim of Ebola, lies on a street corner in Monrovia on Saturday, August 16.

Liberian police depart after firing shots in the air while trying to protect an Ebola burial team in the West Point slum of Monrovia on August 16. A crowd of several hundred local residents reportedly drove away the burial team and their police escort. The mob then forced open an Ebola isolation ward and took patients out, saying the Ebola epidemic is a hoax.

A crowd enters the grounds of an Ebola isolation center in the West Point slum on August 16. The mob was reportedly shouting, « No Ebola in West Point. »

A health worker disinfects a corpse after a man died in a classroom being used as an Ebola isolation ward Friday, August 15, in Monrovia.

A boy tries to prepare his father before they are taken to an Ebola isolation ward August 15 in Monrovia.

Kenyan health officials take passengers’ temperature as they arrive at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on Thursday, August 14, in Nairobi, Kenya.

A hearse carries the coffin of Spanish priest Miguel Pajares after he died at a Madrid hospital on Tuesday, August 12. Pajares, 75, contracted Ebola while he was working as a missionary in Liberia.

A member of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention leads a training session on Ebola infection control Monday, August 11, in Lagos.

Health workers in Kenema screen people for the Ebola virus on Saturday, August 9, before they enter the Kenema Government Hospital.

A health worker at the Kenema Government Hospital carries equipment used to decontaminate clothing and equipment on August 9.

Health care workers wear protective gear at the Kenema Government Hospital on August 9.

Paramedics in protective suits move Pajares, the infected Spanish priest, at Carlos III Hospital in Madrid on Thursday, August 7. He died five days later.

Nurses carry the body of an Ebola victim from a house outside Monrovia on Wednesday, August 6.

A Nigerian health official wears protective gear August 6 at Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos.

Officials with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta sit in on a conference call about Ebola with CDC team members deployed in West Africa on Tuesday, August 5.

Aid worker Nancy Writebol, wearing a protective suit, gets wheeled on a gurney into Emory University Hospital in Atlanta on August 5. A medical plane flew Writebol from Liberia to the United States after she and her colleague Dr. Kent Brantly were infected with the Ebola virus in the West African country.

Nigerian health officials are on hand to screen passengers at Murtala Muhammed International Airport on Monday, August 4.

A man gets sprayed with disinfectant Sunday, August 3, in Monrovia.

Dr. Kent Brantly, right, gets out of an ambulance after arriving at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta on Saturday, August 2. Brantly was infected with the Ebola virus in Africa, but he was brought back to the United States for further treatment.

Nurses wearing protective clothing are sprayed with disinfectant Friday, August 1, in Monrovia after they prepared the bodies of Ebola victims for burial.

A nurse disinfects the waiting area at the ELWA Hospital in Monrovia on Monday, July 28.

Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, right, walks past an Ebola awareness poster in downtown Monrovia as Liberia marked the 167th anniversary of its independence Saturday, July 26. The Liberian government dedicated the anniversary to fighting the deadly disease.

In this photo provided by Samaritan’s Purse, Dr. Kent Brantly, left, treats an Ebola patient in Monrovia. On July 26, the North Carolina-based group said Brantly tested positive for the disease. Days later, Brantly arrived in Georgia to be treated at an Atlanta hospital, becoming the first Ebola patient to knowingly be treated in the United States.

A 10-year-old boy whose mother was killed by the Ebola virus walks with a doctor from the aid organization Samaritan’s Purse after being taken out of quarantine Thursday, July 24, in Monrovia.

A doctor puts on protective gear at the treatment center in Kailahun on Sunday, July 20.

Members of Doctors Without Borders adjust tents in the isolation area in Kailahun on July 20.

Boots dry in the Ebola treatment center in Kailahun on July 20.

Red Cross volunteers prepare to enter a house where an Ebola victim died in Pendembu, Sierra Leone, on Friday, July 18.

Dr. Jose Rovira of the World Health Organization takes a swab from a suspected Ebola victim in Pendembu on July 18.

Red Cross volunteers disinfect each other with chlorine after removing the body of an Ebola victim from a house in Pendembu on July 18.

A dressing assistant prepares a Doctors Without Borders member before entering an isolation ward Thursday, July 17, in Kailahun.

A doctor works in the field laboratory at the Ebola treatment center in Kailahun on July 17.

Doctors Without Borders staff prepare to enter the isolation ward at an Ebola treatment center in Kailahun on July 17.

A health worker with disinfectant spray walks down a street outside the government hospital in Kenema on Thursday, July 10.

Dr. Mohamed Vandi of the Kenema Government Hospital trains community volunteers who will aim to educate people about Ebola in Sierra Leone.
A woman has her temperature taken at a screening checkpoint on the road out of Kenema on July 9.

A member of Doctors Without Borders puts on protective gear at the isolation ward of the Donka Hospital in Conakry on Saturday, June 28.

Airport employees check passengers in Conakry before they leave the country on Thursday, April 10.

CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta, left, works in the World Health Organization’s mobile lab in Conakry. Gupta traveled to Guinea in April to report on the deadly virus.

A Guinea-Bissau customs official watches arrivals from Conakry on Tuesday, April 8.

Egidia Almeida, a nurse in Guinea-Bissau, scans a Guinean citizen coming from Conakry on April 8.

A scientist separates blood cells from plasma cells to isolate any Ebola RNA and test for the virus Thursday, April 3, at the European Mobile Laboratory in Gueckedou, Guinea.

Members of Doctors Without Borders carry a dead body in Gueckedou on Friday, April 1.

Gloves and boots used by medical personnel dry in the sun April 1 outside a center for Ebola victims in Gueckedou.

A health specialist works Monday, March 31, in a tent laboratory set up at a Doctors Without Borders facility in southern Guinea.

Health specialists work March 31 at an isolation ward for patients at the facility in southern Guinea.

Workers associated with Doctors Without Borders prepare isolation and treatment areas Friday, March 28, in Guinea.

Photos: Ebola outbreak in West Africa

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